Maybe it is righteous indignation..
..but i tell you.. it gets deep under my skin to see a ‘Christian’ think they can flirt with the world and think they maintain their right to be a future inhibitor of the Heavenly Kingdom.
Psa 101:3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
David didn't just say this because he thought it was the right thing to do. God said it thru His anointing of David and EXPECTS us to do this VERY thing.
The ‘Twilight’saga is of the darkness of this world. ‘Alice in Wonderland’ is inspired purely of satan and don't for one second think that God had any part of their ‘talent’. If He did they surely aren't using it for the will of God.
God calls for holiness. (Heb 12:14) Separation from the world! (Romans 12:2, 2 Cor 6:17) Sanctified and made clean by the power of Christ. (Lev 20:7, 1 Peter 1:15 & 16)
I'm sorry if i seem like Jesus in the temple turning tables .. but you know – at least I'm striving to be like my Savior. I hope and pray that SOMEONE would have their spiritual eyes opened and see that satan has his vices and us Christians are supposed to be aware and away from them. be separated! be a peculiar people! that's the way to heaven! THE ONLY WAY. Its a race that we must endure! Its a fight and a struggle but the reward is well worth it!
Heb 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the old saying?
Garbage In, Garbage Out!
James 4:4
You adulterers! Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God.
I don't know you very well, but I love you. You had me at "hello". ha ha. I am battling this very thing. I feel like if I say anything people think I'm legalistic. I have a SIL who I am close to somewhat, but she is into the things of the world. She even told me that she would rather keep her blog and God separate. It makes me sad. I just don't see how you can separate the two. I certainly am full of evil ways myself, but isn't the goal to do what God wants? I see people filling their minds full of this junk and when I question it, somehow I'm the bad guy! No wonder our kids are so confused. You let them dabble in things like Halloween and bad movies, listen to music that doesn't bless others or yourself, and then you expect your kids to walk the walk and talk the talk. It won't happen. Whatever is pure, whatever is right, whatever is lovely...think on THESE things! That is scripture. Just try to twist it people! I agree with you 100%.
ReplyDeleteThere's just too much "seeker friendly" and "Purpose driven" in our churches. God has called us to holiness...not happiness, wealth and health. We need look no farther than the lives of the apostiles to see this. I'm supporting this blog by being a follower.
ReplyDeleteHow I appreciate your willingness to speak the truth. There are people who "flirt" with the world and loiter near the fence. What a great danger! There is so much subtle deception in this world, a person doesn't even have to be flirting with the world, just living in it and failing to have on the full armor of God can result in being deceived. I get the feeling you are a woman after God's own heart. I love that! God bless.
ReplyDeletei thank you all for your comments! when i wrote this automatically satan was telling me i didnt obey the Lord,even tho i know that i didnt say n e thing outside of scripture. all of your really encouraged me in the Lord and i thank you for that! sorry i didnt let all know personally - crazy days lately i tell ya :)
ReplyDeleteAs one who is often referenced as "way over the top" when it comes to what I allow into my life, I whole-heartedly agree with what you've stated here. (I am however genuinely interested in what caused you to perceive Alice In Wonderland as "inspired of Satan".)
ReplyDeleteWalking against the crowd will always bring alot of cold shoulder jabs along the way. It makes it all the more worthwhile to me for the Word always talks of the narrow way, the remnant and the little flock. I don't mind being the true minority for my Father dwells there.
thanks joel! concerning being called 'way over the top' - its amazing how, even from so called Chrsitians, we can be considered 'too in to it'. it truely breaks my heart for someone to claim they love the Lord and yet they are not willing to give up very much of themselves.
ReplyDeleteas far as Alice in Wonderland.. i guess mostly to me its one of those things that - if it isnt for God, its against him. everything in this world is one way or the other. now i havent seen the movie and i barely remember the cartoon. i do remember the johny depp/tim burton's take on willy wonka, and it was a much 'darker' version, and it seems from A in W commercials that this is pretty much that same route theyve taken. i also dont know of n e character in the movie that serves the lving God. In the end i just dont believe Jesus would sit down and watch it so i surely wont :)
My children have unfortunately seen a piece of the preview for A in W. My youngest screamed in fear. Guess where she slept that night? Should I rationalize or turn a blind eye? I think not. I hope as Christians we pray for our spiritual eyes to be keenly aware, our discernment sharp to the things that rob our children's attention and focus from the Lord. Often times what the world classifies as children oriented should make us perk up EXTRA straight and USE the wisdom we ask for and is then given to us without reproach.